Liska & Hovland |
We hope this letter finds you well, Covid-19 has been a very difficult time for all of us! We’ve missed you and can’t wait to see you. We have finally been given the go ahead from the Minnesota State Board of Dentistry to reopen and we are ready.
While we are anxious to see you, we want you to know your health and well-being continue to be our highest priority. We are carefully planning and revising our office procedures, to keep both you and our team healthy and infection free.
Here is our new protocol for re-opening.
1.If you arrive early for your appointment, feel free to wait in your car or outside our office.
2.We will be asking you a few health questions before your appointment and we will be taking your temperature with a touchless thermometer. In the event of a fever or any other symptoms of illness, we will ask you to reschedule and seek medical attention.
3.We ask that only the patient with the appointment enter the office, unless you are a parent of children under the age of 18.
4.Office doors, that do not have automatic openers, will be open to eliminate touching of door handles.
5.All patients and family members must wear a mask while in our office.
6.Appointments will be managed to allow for social distancing between patients. Which means you may be offered fewer options for rescheduling your appointment.
7.During this time, while we make every effort to protect your family and ours, there will be a small additional fee for the additional protections we are taking. This fee may be covered under your dental insurance.
8.All treatment rooms will be completely disinfected before each patient is seated. Treatment rooms, Reception areas, hallways and restrooms will be disinfected frequently throughout the day.
9.Be assured our team will follow guidelines set forth by the CDC and OSHA in regards to personal protective equipment (PPE) and office disinfection.
10.During your dental appointment you will be required to wear our safety glasses to protect your eyes.
11.The front desk has been fitted with clear panels to protect you and our team. We ask that you practice social distancing measures in common areas of the office.
We will be in contact with you to either reschedule or to confirm your next appointment. We are still not able to run the office at our regular pace, so, it may take a while to get you in for your appointment. Especially if there is a resurgence of the Covid-19 virus or lack of PPE. We look forward to seeing you soon. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about the steps we are taking to keep you and every patient safe in our practice.